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Version history:


0.6 BETA (8.9.2023)

- Fixed Threshold knob values not showing up.

- Fixed and improved the S B M visuals.


0.5 BETA (6.9.2023)

- Initial release



My take on a versatile musical multiband compressor. The Vari-Mu option and the boost knobs allow to push the individual frequency bands against a ceiling set by the threshold.


Notable features:

- Threshold, Attack, Release, Knee (Vari-Mu) or Ratio (Standard), Boost, Stereo Width, Output Gain, Solo, Bypass, and Mute for each band.

- Adjustable crossover frequencies.

- All related knobs can be adjusted at the same time by dragging on the knob title at the left side ("Threshold", "Attack", etc).

- A single frequency band can be reset to defaults by double-clicking at the band title rectangle ("Lo-Mid" etc.) at the bottom.

- Solo, Bypass and Mute can be reset on all bands by Alt-clicking any of the S, B or M letters.

- Output Limiter is a soft clipper to keep things in order.

©2023 - mrelwood plugins

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